Lesson 2 Import & Create Backgrounds
- Import a Background image.
If you haven't already, Launch the Scratch program from your desktop. - Let's get started!!!
If you are not sure ask you parents or teacher for help
When you find the image, click on the image you want
Then click OK
Repeat to import all 4 backgrounds.
When you have finished importing the backgrounds
Tip: Don't worry if the image is too big, Scratch will automaticly shrink it for you.
If it is to small we can grow it later.
We don't need this background, to delete it click on the x
Tip: If you delete a backgound by acident, click on the
Name this one gameoverbg
Notice that Scratch numbers the background. So when we make our scripts, if we say nextbg then Scratch knows which one is next. For example if we have background 2 showing and say nextbg, Scratch loads background 3.
Let's reorder our backgrounds to how they appear in our game
To reorder click on the image and drag the image to where you want it, put it on top of the image that is there, then drop it.
Here is the order:
1. titlepagebg
2. shuttlelaunchbg
3. freedombg
4. workinginspacebg
5. spacebg
6. gameoverbg
- Let's edit our backgrounds
To open the Paint editor:
Click on the edit button
Notice our background is too small, click on the Grow button to make it fill the stage.
Let's add some text. In this Paint editor you can have only 1 block of text for each image.
Click on the Text button.
Type Space Shuttle Mission STS-2020
See the little black square, put your mouse pointer over the square, it turns into a hand Click and drag your text to where you want it.
Try different fonts and colors, change the title to whatever you like.
You can use the rectange or circle to draw a background for the text. Pick a color then click on the tool
Use the Undo and Redo buttons if you don't like a change.
If you mess up really bad, then click the Cancel button and start over.
When you are done click OK and
- Edit the gameoverbg. Add text GAME OVER and
- Edit the other backgrounds, if they are too small. resize, Grow to
fill the stage and after you do each one
- Finished Lesson 2
- Start Lesson 3 Import & Create Sprites