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Lesson 17     Add Scripts for Game Over

  • Description:
    When the Missile touches the Alien spaceship, or the Alien spaceship touches the Astronaut, then the game is over.

    If you haven't already, Launch the Scratch program from your desktop.
  • Let's get started!!!

  • We will be using background 5, spacebg.
  • Click on the Stage icon, Select the spacebg.

  • Add blocks to change the background to gameoverbg.
To get to the background interface, in the Sprite list, Click on the Stage icon

Click on the tab.

When it recieves the message gameover switch to background gameoverbg.
Wait 10 seconds, (this gives the scripts time to finish).
Switch to background titlepagebg
Stop all Scripts.

Grab these blocks and Snap together.

Let's add the script to the Astronaut Sprite

To get to the Astronaut sprite interface, in the Sprite list, Click on the Astronaut icon

Click on the tab.

Wait 3 seconds and hide.

Grab these blocks and Snap together.

Let' add the script to the Alien spaceship Sprite

To get to the Alien spaceship sprite interface, in the Sprite list, Click on the Alien icon

Click on the tab.

Wait 3 seconds and hide.

Grab and Snap these blocks together, to create the Script.

Grab and Snap these blocks together, add to the stack.

Let' add a help Sprite

Click on the Paint Brush to Paint a new sprite.

In the Paint Editor, Add this text:
Shuttle Controls:
Use the arrow keys to move

Hold down the a key,
and click and hold down
the mouse button to rotate

Press spacebar
to fire missiles.

Press h for help

I used a white rectangle for the background.
Click OK when done

Rename it Help
Grab and Drag it where you want it on the Stage

Add these Scripts

  • !!!!Congradulations!!!!!! You Finished The Game
    This is just a basic game. You can go back and change it, add sprites, try different things.
    There is more than 1 way to do it, maybe your way is better than mine.
    Some suggestions for other space adventures: You could make a lunar or Mars landing, or save the earth from astroids. Use your imagination.
    Enjoy the game, it has been fun making it.
  • Start Lesson 18    Bug Fixes, Mods and Updates